Saturday, July 14, 2012

A New Diet Plan

In a previous article, I mentioned how my doctor yelled at me to lose weight.  If only he knew how bad I despised diets, because for me, the moment I think about going on a diet I’m suddenly starving to death.  Trust me it’s not pretty.  I get very cranky and snap at everyone because I’m hungry.  It’s really not fair that counting calories can’t be like counting sheep.  1-2-3….z Z z Z z…mmm chocolate cake, cookies, candy, chips and then a quick dip in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate River and not a single pound added.  That’s a great dream. 

A diet is difficult to stay faithful to, especially when everyone around you suddenly seems to push food and desserts in your direction more so than usual.  Honestly it doesn’t feel like you can get away from it.  Even the chocolate bars at the grocery store are staring you down at the checkout counter.  You begin to rationalize.  I’ll go for a walk, my sugar feels low, no one will know, and even though you have a few healthy snacks there in your cart, it doesn’t seem to stop you from snatching one up after a few days or weeks of being on a diet.

Unfortunately as wives we like to put our husband’s on a diet too.  I’m not meaning the diet plan of, you need to lose weight or you’re going to die, diet.  I know I shouldn’t tell on anyone but I’ve also had men admit to stopping for a burger after work before going home to that special diet.  Anyway…back to my point.  I’m referring to the sexual diet

This diet consist of… we’ll be intimate once a week and that’s all you get.  We rationalize this diet plan by thinking; “Single men would kill to have a wife they could be intimate with once a week.  Hello…that’s 4 times a month.”  Oh wait you have to exclude one week for PMS.  Ok so 3. 

It has actually been said to me by a wife... “I love that week so my husband HAS to leave me alone.”   

1 Corinthians 7:3 

The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband.

For some reason we think we have the right to say just how much or often that “duty” entails for our husband.  Once a week, twice a week or maybe not at all that week.  To me that’s no different than if your husband had the right to tell you exactly how much you get to eat in a week.  

But unfortunately, we often think in terms of intimate moments as a dog treat for good behavior.  Or if they’ve constantly bugged us enough we’ll pick up the ball and throw it just to get them to leave us alone for a moment. 

If you find yourself thinking this way or maybe just not quite so willing to provide exactly what your husband truly needs then you need a new diet plan minus the diet

As I’ve said before….

“You’ll never want something more often…if you never have it enough… to miss it!”

So please, give your hubby his “Just Desserts” and yours too! 

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