Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Backyard Paradigm

There is no guaranteed way or example of feeling sexy for us to follow.  You can buy an outfit straight off the mannequin, bat your eyes, and make pouty lip gestures but ultimately it comes down to how confident you feel in your own skin. 

They say, “Clothes make the person”.  That is a true statement for almost anyone but we all know how hard it is to find that perfect sexy “outfit” for an evening with our husband.  If there’s the slightest thing that doesn’t feel right about the outfit… you can forget it.   No doubt for me and maybe you it’s time consuming and frustrating, especially if you’re like me, when most of what you try on, makes you look like a kids play-doh fun factory.  Or… when after peeking out of the dressing room to see if the coast is clear, you hear your husband laugh and say, “I think you have that on upside down, backwards, or actually the less embarrassing, inside out.”   That’s ok…don’t give up!  Keep searching until you find the perfect fit and feel.  It’s out there.  Once you figure out a good style for you, stick with it, until you’re brave enough to be more daring. 

Believe it or not, wearing a modest dress or nice skirt during the day can also make you feel sexy.  (It took me awhile to understand that.)  I was a tom boy of sorts and never liked wearing skirts much.  But over the years I have certainly changed my tune.  Even just heels for me whether paired with a skirt or blue jeans will immediately make me feel sexier. 

Again, they say “Clothes make the person” but really it’s the confidence people see that turns heads.  Think about this….no woman in the scriptures was ever condemned for looking beautiful.  (only deeds)  We can read about many women such as Sarah, Rachel, Ruth and even the excellent wife of Proverbs. 

Proverbs 31:22 
She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.

This can be an exciting endeavor searching for renewed sexuality but keep in mind another passage for not going overboard.  

1 Timothy 2:9 
Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,…

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