Thursday, August 2, 2012

Women Are From Venus…Men Are From God

It may feel as if we’re from a different planet than our spouse but only because the focus has forever been on how men and women are different. I must say though, when your husband is out in the garage giving something more power, climbing out on the ledge of a cliff or backpacking into the wilderness, you tend to raise an eyebrow, shake your head and pray he doesn’t kill himself. 

Fact is… boys are raised different from girls.  They learn to be daring and how to protect women.  (Mostly from spiders and snakes but from bad guys too =0)  Of course all the extra noises have to go with them or they just wouldn’t be boys/men. 

Judges 14:5-6

5 Then Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother, and came as far as the vineyards of Timnah; and behold, a young lion came roaring toward him. 

6 The Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily, so that he tore him as one tears a young goat though he had nothing in his hand; but he did not tell his father or mother what he had done.

Ok I don’t have enough time to say all the reasons why we’re so very different…obviously we are but back to my point of our common ground with men. 

Women need love & men need love.  We both need to hear it, feel it, and see it.  We think those romantic sappy lines or gestures are only there in the movie so women will come and see it too.  As I’ve said in other articles, don’t base your romantic views about love according to the television shows or movies you watch. 

For many of us, we feel odd saying romantic things to our husbands because we assume they don’t like hearing it.   This hypothesis is possibly from watching shows that have made fun of it or because we didn’t grow up seeing our mom being romantic with our dad. 

Regardless… we should say those ooey gooey romantic things.  We love it and so do men.  Or at the very least, tell them you love them often.    

Song of Songs 1:15

15 "How beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! 
Your eyes are like doves."

Women need comfort & men need comfort.  Men are told from the earliest of ages to buck up and get over it.  They’re never really allowed to show emotions.  Unfortunately because of this, men can sometimes push their spouse away in order to deal with their feelings alone.  But comfort can come in all shapes and sizes. 

Letting them know you’re there for them, may be enough, just by asking if they’d like to talk about what may be bothering them.  This can be a great comfort because now your husband knows you love him enough that you’re aware he’s hurting and that you do care.  

Keep in mind…nagging him about opening up to you, is NOT the way to help your husband, nor is giving him ungodly advice in order to “help” him.  However, if he’s pushing you away and it’s hurting you emotionally, then you should definitely tell him how you feel.

Job 2:9 (NASB) 

9 Then his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? 
Curse God and die!"

Women need sex & men need sex.  It should go without saying, that once we’re married, being intimate with your husband is greatly needed.  Because saying “I do,” wasn’t just for love or to have an extra pair of eyes around the house to watch the kids.  God said, it was not good for man to be alone

Yet even though we’re married, because we lack the desire to have sex and be connected emotionally, we feel exactly that… all alone.  God said being alone, especially when married, is not good because saying “I do,” meant we would take care of each others sexual needs in order to have self control and fidelity aka… faithfulness in our marriage.  (Also two very important characteristics we should have in our service to God as well.) 

Genesis 2:18

18 Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; 
I will make him a helper suitable for him." 

I know…these points above, of common grounds; can still leave us feeling like we’re on different planets when it comes to the differences we have of love, comfort and levels of libido.  But even within those common grounds we must remember, man was first formed and then woman making him head of the house. A man from God and for God.  For this reason out of respect, among many, your husband deserves your love, comfort and his needs met.  

Keep in mind; we can’t be emotionally connected with each other if we never show our love by caring and being together.  It doesn’t work that way.  Overcoming a lack of love and desire takes effort.  So please…keep trying.   

But regardless of what planet you feel like you’re from, Earth, Mars or Venus, 
keep within the SON’s orbit!


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