Friday, August 10, 2012

With This Ring

“I thee wed.”  The exchanging of rings is an ancient custom still used today to signify when someone is married.  Although before the 20th century only the wife wore a ring. The circle of the ring is usually depicted during a wedding ceremony for its symbolism of unending love between the couple.  It is also noted that the band of pure gold represents the purity of the marriage and faithfulness. 

“With this ring”… I am reminded that I am bound by God to someone very special.  Not only does it remind the person wearing the ring but it also reminds others who may see it.  When this happens, the opposite sex should understand then, “don’t even bother.”   Ere go, the ancient purpose still holds true today.  Unfortunately, too many single women see a wedding ring as an exciting challenge instead of a symbol of fidelity.

A challenge that wives should not take lightly, nor husbands...but that’s an article on a different blog.  We can and should help our husbands overcome such challenges or temptations by doing what is commanded of us, according to the scriptures. 

Think of it like this… when you take your wedding ring off, it still feels as if it’s on, usually, for many days for that matter.   You may not notice, until someone points it out to you, that you’re not even wearing it.  So by the time you do remember to put it back on, it doesn’t fit right anymore.  The ring “dent” in your finger is no longer there.  You struggle to push it down where it belongs.  Finally it slips on but it’s really tight and uncomfortable.  It’s not but a moment being on, when you run for the soap or lotion to grease up your finger to pull it back off.  You sigh with relief and think oh well, “I tried”.

How often do we wives do this with sex?  Our husband points out the fact it has been days or weeks since we’ve been intimate.  So one night, we finally remember to do something about it.  Unfortunately for him and you… it’s too uncomfortable now.  The “ring,” that is our desire, can no longer be seen, or even felt.  Our desire was hidden away in a box and even though we tried to put it back on a couple of times, we gave up saying… oh well, “I tried”

Sadly then, a husband may fall into temptation by the Devil, seeking comfort from a different ring…one capable of being seen.  Why because his wife didn’t push herself to try harder. “The ring” was easier being left off than to work through the uncomfortable feelings.         

Matthew 26:41
"Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." 

So how can we change our attitude about sex?  How can we put our ring back where it belongs?  How do  we make it fit again?  It’s simpler than you think…

Be sexy.  Be intimate.  Be in love.

The truth is… if you don’t feel sexy, you won’t feel like being intimate.  When a wife makes an effort to be sexy and to initiate sex, then she is showing her husband she truly wants to change things for the better by putting that ring back where it belongs. 

Remember, if you’re not making an effort, then it’s only to get another chore crossed off your list.  As I’ve said before, being “in love” will never happen, if you never want to be intimate with your husband.  So if you’re constantly wondering, where the love is, like you wondered where your ring might be…then ask yourself, when was the last time you saw “it”.    

With this ring…

Be sexy often, be intimate always, be in love….
until death do you part!    

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